News – Initiative 9



Lessons Learned from Virginia Near Miss Lessons Learned from Virginia Near Miss

On May 25, 2008, seven Loudon County (VA) Fire and Rescue Department personnel were injured – four firefighters nearly died in the line-of-duty and three others suffered injuries while battling a 2-alarm house fire on Meadowood Court in Leesburg. Following the fire, two extensive examinations of fire operations in Loudon County occurred, to include a DOLI review and citation.

Giving Courage – A Conversation with Chief Michael Smith Giving Courage – Chief Michael Smith

Earlier in 2016, twelve chiefs representing every type of department shared the grim realities of coping with a line-of-duty death in the documentary Giving Courage: LODD Chiefs Speak. In 2017, the Foundation will feature additional footage to help other fire chiefs and leaders to prevent future tragedies.

Giving Courage – A Conversation with Chief James Strain Chief James Strain

Earlier in 2016, twelve chiefs representing every type of department shared the grim realities of coping with a line-of-duty death in the documentary Giving Courage: LODD Chiefs Speak. In 2017, the Foundation will feature additional footage to help other fire chiefs and leaders to prevent future tragedies.

Giving Courage – A Conversation with Fire Commissioner Michael Lombardo (Ret.) Fire Commissioner Michael Lombardo

Earlier in 2016, twelve chiefs representing every type of department shared the grim realities of coping with a line-of-duty death in the documentary Giving Courage: LODD Chiefs Speak. In 2017, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will feature additional footage from the documentary to help other fire chiefs and leaders to prevent future tragedies.
» Powerful words about painful events
» Download Giving Courage: LODD Chiefs Speak

Powerful words about painful events

Twelve chiefs representing every type of department –metropolitan and rural, career, volunteer and wildland – share the grim realities of coping with a line-of-duty death.

The Human Element: Revisiting the Lessons of the Esperanza Fire

Staff rides date back to the 1800s, when military leaders began taking soldiers on tours of places where significant battles or military actions were likely to occur. Later, the staff ride evolved to involve visiting places where battles or campaigns had occurred, and it has since become a key training tool in the military and now public safety.

The Ongoing Impact of 9/11 and World Trade Center Illnesses

Fourteen-years later, buildings have been rebuilt, memorials established and remembrances held. The fire service continues to honor the 343 in numerous ways, including the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climbs. We have upheld our promise to never forget.